
Acupuncture Treatment @Nadipathy™

                    Acupuncture is an ancient Indian treatment involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient’s skin at specific points to improve the body’s functions and promotes the Natural self-healing capacity in the body. Ancient Indian Medicine (A.I.M) is based on an ancient Indian philosophy that describes the Nature, and the body in terms of two opposing forces: (sun and moon) when these forces are in the balance the body is healthy. I n our body Meridians are energy barriers that continuously carry vital energy throughout the body. However if the flow of energy gets blocked in such Meridians,(i.e as blockage appeared in running water) the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness. First your acupuncturist will examine your Pulse, Tongue, Nails, Face color and Body physique and possibly perform some additional physical examinations depending on your individual health needs. To begin the Acup...

Acupuncture Treatment @Nadipathy™

Acupuncture Treatment @Nadipathy™ Acupuncture is an ancient Indian treatment involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient’s skin at specific points to improve the body’s functions and promotes the Natural self-healing capacity in the body. Ancient Indian Medicine (A.I.M) is based on an ancient Indian philosophy that describes the Nature, and the body in terms of two opposing forces: (sun and moon) when these forces are in the balance the body is healthy. I n our body Meridians are energy barriers that continuously carry vital energy throughout the body. However if the flow of energy gets blocked in such Meridians,(i.e as blockage appeared in running water) the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness. First your acupuncturist will examine your Pulse, Tongue, Nails, Face color and Body physique and possibly perform some additional physical examinations depending on your individual health needs. To begin the ...

Cured L3-L4 L4-L5 L5-S1 Disk Bulg with 1 week of Treatment Nadipathy™

Cured L3-L4 L4-L5  L5-S1 Disk Bulg with 1 week of Treatment Nadipathy™ LUMBAR DISC BULGE TREATMENT IN NADIPATHY Our spinal cord comprises of many bones known as vertebrae, each of which is separated by a disc. The disc is wrapped by the many layers of strong connective tissue. In the middle of the disc comprises a jelly like substance which is capable for flexibility. When this jelly like substance leaked from the disc due to tear in connective tissue, it is called lumbar disc bulge. Lumbar disc bulge most commonly occur in people, who have heavy work on sitting and bending positions. The lowest disc of the spine (L5-S1) is most commonly affected with the disc and (L4-L5) is the second most problem. Symptoms:  Pain after standing and sitting  Head ache especially in back of the head  Numbness or abnormal sensation in whole body  When you bend the spinal cord forward  Feel pain over the buttocks, thigh, lower leg or foot  Pain get worse during nights Reasons to...

Leech Therapy Training and Workshop by Nadipathy

                      Leech Therapy   Training and Workshop Glad to share with you all that Our  Second Leech therapy  has given a an advanced exposure with an Ancient techniques with an instant practical at the Hospital. I am really happy some new technology background students shown extensive interest in learning our course with a goal to start their practice in the coming days. As you know @ our training centre we have come up with a Leech therapy What’s App group instant updates from the respective practitioners, Beginners , Learners and seasoned practitioners. The sharing of these messages are benefitting each other and demand for their services are of course increasing. Thanks to our Ancients treatment methods which are very much essential for the present World with a view to treat without any medicine but our Ancient methods only. Last but not the least!! Some of the aspirants missed While la...

Controlled High Blood Sugar with 5 Days of Teatment @Nadipathy

Controlled High Blood Sugar with 5 Days of Teatment @Nadipathy™ DIABETES TREATMENT IN NADIPATHY WHAT IS DIABETES: It is the condition that body cannot balance the glucose levels due to lack of energy to pancreas (or) the body cannot utilize insulin to maintain glucose homeostasis. It was first known in the 17th century, later it became a dangerous devil to human life. Again Diabetes is differentiated in to two types’ diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Diabetes mellitus is mainly caused by deficiency of insulin due to either lack of energy in pancreas (or) any auto-immune disease. While diabetes insipidus is caused by defect in secretion of vasopressin (Antidiuretic hormone) which is secreted from pituitary gland present in hypothalamus. Its function is to reabsorb water from distal tubules in the kidney and due to this it control the concentration of urine. But its deficiency caused increased water excretion through urine even in low intake of water. Diabetes mellitus and ...

Express Star Teller Magazine about Nadipathy™


Nadipathy™ a boon for UDDANAM Kidney patients

    Power Star Pavan Kalyan's initiative and his efforts in bringing the Uddanam kidney patients issues to the Worl d is Commendable .His efforts to get Harvard University Doctors and other elite to the Uddanam is another commendable for all of us and also for the Governement. We have seen in News channels,papars,Social Media and realised that Uddanama occupied top  of the place in Kidney patients around the World.  Don’t   we have a treatment to treat the patiets? Is India backward  nation to rely on other countries for a Medical help?  Are Indians not ready to treat this Medical emergency?  Is Dialysis a mandatory for the Kidney patients?  Are NGO’s not able to do?  Is Kidney replacement essential?  Kidney treatment – a costly affair?  Can’t we treat with our indigenous methods given by our Ancinet Sages? These are some of the queries that pop up in our mind since most of the Indians have completely depended on Modern Scinece and tec...