Acupressure Health Care Centre - Kakinada

In this modern age, the air we breath, food we eat and water we drink...everything is being polluted. Due to our irregular life style many of us are being infected by various types of diseases.

To cure these diseases we are depending upon expensive medicines like tablets, injections and sometimes operations as well. These kind of treatments sometimes may lead to side effects as well.

But in Alternative Medicine, there is no question of Tablets, Injections and Operations.

For the first time in INDIA, Acupressure Health Care Centre is providing these Alternative medicine with 100 types of therapies for various diseases like Joint Pains, Knee Pains, Spine Problems, Sugar, Heart, Liver and kidney problems e.t.c., and certain types of cancers as well.

What we do in Acupressure Health Care Centre..?

Human body consists of 72000 nerves approx and diseases are mainly caused due to the passive condition of these nerves.

Depending upon the type of disease we will locate the particular nerve and will stimulate it. These stimulated nerves will start working properly and will cure the disease automatically.

Based on the patient's condition and disease intensity, it will get cured in few hours to few days. And there will be no side effects absolutely.

For more details please contact
Dr. P. Krishnam Raju,
M.P.Ed., N.I.S., P.G.D, YOGA, M.A., B.A.S.M., A.D.SUJOK.,M.D(A.M&ACU), Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Alternative Therapist, Nadipathy
Acupressure Health care Centre. Ramanayyapet,
Kakinada, East Godavari, AP INDIA
Cell : +91 - 9246 605 989
Land : 0884 - 6459111

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