L4L5 problems and Height Treatments in Nadipathy


Our spinal cord comprises of many bones known as vertebrae, each of which is separated by a disc. The disc is wrapped by the many layers of strong connective tissue.  In the middle of the disc comprises a jelly like substance which is capable for flexibility. When this jelly like substance leaked from the disc due to tear in connective tissue, it is called lumbar disc bulge.
Lumbar disc bulge most commonly occur in people, who have heavy work on sitting and bending positions. The lowest disc of the spine (L5-S1) is most commonly affected with the disc and (L4-L5) is the second most problem.

Pain after standing and sitting
Head ache especially in back of the head
Numbness or abnormal sensation in whole body
When you bend the  spinal cord  forward
Feel pain over the buttocks, thigh, lower leg or foot
Pain get worse during nights

Reasons to develop lumbar disc bulge:

For More Info - Visit:
Blog: http://lumbardiscbulgetreatmentinnadipathy.blogspot.in/

         Every one need to gain some maximum height in their life. But it depends up on the genes they inherit from their parents, as well as general health and nutrition, during their years of growth. Illness (or) poor nutrition during childhood (or)   being small (or) premature at birth may cause children that do not reach their full potential adult height.

NORMAL GROWTH:  The fastest period of growth is before birth, with the baby growing from almost zero to a length of about 50cm in nine months. This speed falls after birth with an average growth of 5.5 cm per year at 8 year old. During puberty, growth speeds up again. This is called the pubertal growth. Before puberty, boys and girls grow at similar speeds, but during puberty boys grow more than girls. The average height of an adult means 14 cm taller than the average height of an adult woman.

        Bones increase in length because of growth plates in the bones called epiphyses. As puberty, progresses the growth plates mature and at the ends of puberty, they fuse and stop growing. The whole of the Skelton does not stop growing at the same time hands and feet stop first, then arms and legs, with the last area of growth being the spine. Growth slows down and stops, when a child has gone all the way through puberty and has reached an adult stage of development. This means that growth does not stop at a particular age, but children who are early developers will stop growing before late developers. After the growth plates fuse, there is no more increase in height, and we all then shrink gradually as we get older. The new born baby having 300 bones, when the child mature to an adult person it comes to 206.

For More Info - Visit:
Blog:  http://heighttreatmentinnadipathy.blogspot.in/


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